Thursday 16 August 2018

A leaf of grass

I understand we are all leaves of grass - Walt Whitman

To me, 
Your sprout looks to be a tree,
Does the mower miss you?
Does the cow not eat you? 
You are green to the shoe,
Our roots attach at the mud,
So how do you manage growing to heights that are new?

I sprouted out a while ago,
Seeing how times have changed
How new trends have come
I only manage to
Defend my head against becoming glum

Monday 14 November 2016


To be out in the shade,
Everyone around moves in immensities
I sit, watch and wonder.
Everyone seems to move
As if with speed, with grandeur, with divine purpose.
When will mine come?
Even the skinks climbing the backyard in which I preside produce perfection.
When will I?
Will I?

My slumped shoulders don't carry me there.
My failing attitude holds me down. 
How does one change so utterly, that they are honestly no longer the same.
My road to success lays in another, so what's my point, or purpose?

The shade keeps me cool. 
I was however born cold, so that's a problem. 
There are no benefits. 
There is no relaxation nor peace. 
Counting each moment the sun is up
Patiently waiting for my day.
Pruning another's hard work has never felt natural,
then again creating my own has never become natural.

I have always been a white wash,
a face in the classes,
I wouldn't know how to change if given the chance
I hope the divine hands knows how to find me in this shade.

Between Dull Grey

I’ve not left anything in the car, thinking over a list of possible items. Her stomach gurgled; the thought of cooking isn’t appealing though. Stepping out from the sandstone gutter, she raised her eyes a little, the terrace houses all in their row. I never wanted to move into one, remembering the reaction when first house browsing. “I thought I said I didn’t want to move into one of these terrace houses.” He had so many answers that it was hard to maintain an opposition, “Honey, we can move in for two years, sell, and move to a bigger house with a garden, you know the council is really urbanising this area, the property value is only escalating”.  He was right; our property value has almost doubled, but that is over ten years now. Jiggling the key in, the door had to be tugged up while turning, the cold always made it stick. Ten years and we’ve never gotten around to fixing the front door, ten years and we’ve still not really gotten on to changing anything.
 She removed her shoes and skirt to slip into pyjama pants, the comfy ones with possums on them. Well it is about two hours until he gets home, maybe a snack. She moved lazily up the hall and into the kitchen. “Please hang washing”, a sticky note stuck to the counter. She appreciated his initiative. 
Outside the sun stretched low over the sky, pushing the reds, oranges and yellows as a broadcast, winter sunsets are always beautiful, compensation to the sun being petty all day. The washing hasn’t been in the tub too long, it hadn’t gained a stale smell. It would have been more helpful of him to put it on earlier in the day, “my breath would dry these clothes faster then hanging them out here would”. The sarcasm pushed through even without an audience, it was a terrible joke, my sister would have laughed. Her sense of humour is worse then mine; it has been a while since I last experienced it. I hope she is doing well. 
Basket, pegs, did I bring anything else out? Closing the backdoor absent-mindedly, flicking the lock down. What to snack on, dates are an appealing thought, if there are some left. Overlooking each shelf twice just to make sure nothing is missed, he must have eaten them then. Defeatedly closing the fridge door, watching the white rubber re-seal before turning away. I don’t feel like really anything else, it would ruin dinner anyway. I’ll be good. I may as well lie down for a bit, feeling the disappointment rise. Hungry and tired, soon to be grumpy too, following the defeated footsteps back to bed. 
She sat down on the edge of the bed. Her feet just touching the carpet, the bed underneath was comforting, no reason to remain upright, she relaxed her back onto the welcome of the sheets. Her focus now restricted to the ceiling, which was painted white, but in the failing window’s light appeared grey. Her reaction to the eaten fruits had hit deep, irrationally disappointed, a sinking whole that she had identified and dealt with before. Running guidance through her head: ‘you are being unreasonable, no worse, you are being selfish,’ the reality hit with insult. A vain attempt to push down the melancholy, but it sat outside rationality. He will be home soon; making the assumption that a notable amount of time had passed. He will be home soon, and the mood will pass. 
She awoke, the sound of the door drawing attention. Light was seeping through the widening crack, the fluorescent lights of the hallway were blinding. The natural light had completely removed itself from the room while she had rested. She propped herself on her elbows anticipating company. Unaccustomed to the change of light, she could only recognise a man’s silhouette in the doorframe. Slowly, her eyes calmed to the light to aid a perception of his face, stretching long, as if gravity hung heavy from his nose and chin, pulling, pinching and bending them back toward the earth. Is it him? She searched the shadow for his eyes; black-framing sockets soon broke from the murk grey face surrounding them, at the core of each sat a small dull red glow. Sparse hairs separated thin pressed lips from the angular face edge. A thin smirk distinguished itself as imbedded winkles that accentuated one corner of his mouth. 
Black brows knotted themselves over the nose bridge, where they travelled north to peek at the centre, to the return for a short distance back downward. Above these overgrown bushes, dirty creases mimicked the arch. Further north still two black-brown sharp horns ruptured where lagoons formed out of a receding hairline, a feature she had only recently noticed on John. She hadn’t yet moved, and as the moment passed and her eyes adjusted to the light, the familiar features of his loving face revealed themselves. He was no longer a camouflaged eagle in front of the sun. 
There was now enough visible light to identify his warmly features, his sweet mouth turning up acutely in the corners, his softened saltwater eyes, no longer in an abyss of shadow. His quick clumsy movements slowed instantly realising what he had walked in on. She could read pleasure all over his face; he’d just woken her up, he would apologise and come and kiss her forehead in an exchange for causing her disorientation. He thought it terribly cute. “Can I?” he asked holding his hand over the light switch. Sitting up, she squinted in preparation. Click.
She squirmed a little, but through fluttering lids, tired to reciprocate his intense glare. With the sun completely set, the windows became voids, he moved around the room awkwardly to draw their shutters before taking up a seat next to her. She collapsed back into her sleeping position, with her feet just tickling the carpet. “Baby,” she said placing her hands around her stomach while turning her head to face him, “I’m hungry,” her tone imitated a child’s. He replied with an encouraging hum, “you feel like eating anything in particular?” Dwelling on a thought while continually rubbing her belly, “Maybe Vietnamese?”

Wednesday 2 September 2015

I'm a mother

"I graduated.
I did so recently.
I know I have, because my emotions are ensuing,
I can hear the classically strung instruments collectively build;
I can see the people around me smiling with tears;
I can see qantas flight attendants walk through my field;
I can feel the weighted importance of each hug;
I can smell nothing -- TV doesn't teach you smells;
But I'm sitting there checking my linkedin profile,
dividing my attention into two - the contemporary way,
as my eyes water, a movie about cancer, he dies.
He had a talent and he died, his mother would peer and
I would wail with overwhelming beauty.

I feel great,
scratching makeup off my forehead,
my nose is blocked,
the sun in my window,
my heart having palpitated, it feels optimistic.
-- I'm sure that is how ageing feels, optimistic once exerted;

I laugh at how I watch a formula,
and not feel cold, or formulated.
I watch an under produced, poorly written journey,
and feel each bump, and still enjoy it like a mother.
As if talking to a child about their day,
an interest; an investment that does not waver,
no matter how poor their grasp on language.

I see it now, my hand guiding their's home.
'how was your day?', and they'll open their mouth
and tell you things you can't find logic in.
I can imagine the entire scene, except the smell,
there is still an absence.
Reality will teach me yet.

Until then I'll collect pot-plants."

Friday 13 February 2015

I wrote poetry to be alone.
I ate expensive cake and left over pizza,
Because I was alone

The cake was creamed
I wasn't
I looked at friends posts
On valentines, some jokes
Some sad flowered obsessions

I was invited to my god's house
No money, but I still want a decline.
I want romance, but I'll never receive any
I want passion in my absence
Mood swings of love
Of drama
Like Latino actors
But not for me, my god is just.
And I am still broke
Still alone.

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Purple Japan

Long hair
-washed caramel
Pale pink, laced sakura,
Cherry-Blossom Bum
doll legs holding it up.

Fascination with dogs,
the books tell me so
English translation.

Big and stupid acting like a tour guide
even I could say don't leave money laying

Blue in stripes, but anti-Semitic and a hand of modesty.

Cured eggplant turns blue,
terrible tasting on the tongue too.

Modern comparison between birds and flowers,
there the birds are painted,
blossoms are at middle age.
Kimono of sex
No sex shop makes sexy Kimonos
- tourist's shopping.

Purple, purple, she likes purple.
Blue, pink, blue, pink.
They don't make a lot of purple in Japan.